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According to the service StatCounter, tracking data on more than 3 million visitors to Web sites from around the world, Google Chrome is now as the world’s most popular browser. Surpassing Microsoft Internet Explorer, Chrome for the first time stayed in the first place in popularity during the whole week. According to the figures of StatCounter, from 14 to 20 May, market share of Chrome was 32.76%, while its nearest rival Internet Explorer’s market share was 31.94%. Mozilla Firefox with 25.47% was placed on the third place for the same period. Apple Safari took the fourth place (7.08%), and Opera - fifth (1.74%). According to RİA Novosti, statistical data services cannot be considered unequivocal. For instance, according to estimates from services Net Marketshare and NetApplications, Internet Explorer and Firefox as before still surpasses Chrome, while Google’s web browser is gradually increasing share.   



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